Donations from Elanco are helping to protect dogs in hundreds of remote communities

Image 1 – Over 2000 doses of Credelio™ Antiparasitic treatments, packaged and ready to go! 

Image 2 –  Antiparasitic & Ehrlichiosis Education and Info Pac

AMRRIC’s continued work to highlight the severe impacts of ehrlichiosis and provide support to remote communities could not be achieved without collaboration and support from many. We are therefore proud to be supported by Elanco Animal Health, who have generously provided AMRRIC with 36,414 doses of Credelio™, a monthly flea and tick treatment for dogs!  

Since August our team have been working hard to allocate and distribute this huge quantity of anti-parasitics. The focus of this work has been to distribute the treatment equitably and enhance the animal management programs delivered by the many and various remote community organisations across the country. In effectively controlling external parasites, including brown dog tick – the tick that transmits the bacteria that causes ehrlichiosis, these Credelio™ treatments will improve the health of dogs, which in turn, will improve the health of communities. 

To date over 27,000 doses of Credelio™ have been distributed, reaching well over 120 remote communities and homelands throughout, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory. Using funds kindly donated by AMRRIC supporters, as well as AMRRIC’s staffing support from the Australian Government  National Indigenous Australians Agency, the cost of delivering these vital treatments to such remote locations has been fully subsidised, meaning these treatments have been provided at no cost to the recipient communities. 

The product packs we send include AMRRIC-developed educational materials, such as guidelines for the use of the product, as well as information on ehrlichiosis and tick prevention advice. Our contextually tailored education resources aim to share knowledge and help people make informed decisions regarding the health of their animals, themselves and their community. 

We are incredibly thankful for the supply of Credelio™ anti-parasitic for dogs, made available by Elanco Animal Health, for our support from the Australian Government National Indigenous Australians Agency, and kind donations to AMRRIC’s recent ehrlichiosis campaign from the general public. These treatments will undoubtably have a hugely positive impact not only on the health of the many dogs treated but also for their families living in remote First Nations communities.  


#Collaboration #OneHealth #HealthyAnimalsHealthyCommunities #ParasitePrevention #ElancoAnimalHealth #Credelio 

Michelle Hayes
Author: Michelle Hayes